Now On Sale! "All Hell: America's Civil War - A Military History, Volume I - Beginnings"
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PDF Sample chapters available. Watch for release of Volume III, The Decisive Time
© 2024 Richard Newman / Images © Don Troiani & Bridgeman Images
Richard Newman Books
4604 West 116th Street Hawthorne CA 90250
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U.S. Lt. Ulysses S. Grant @ 1847, 4th Infantry Regiment

U.S. Lt. Robert E. Lee 1838, Engineers
A word from the author:
My interest in the American Civil War goes deep and far into the past. In high school, history and geography were my best subjects, and I wrote papers on the Battle of Little Big Horn and Pearl Harbor. I read books like “Rifles For Watie” and “The American Heritage Picture History of The Civil War”, with its miraculous battle illustrations by David Greenspan. I attended the University of California at Davis and graduated from U.C. Berkeley, not as a history major but as a geographer and sociologist. Little did I know that geography would influence my writing.
This endeavor has been a long project, influenced by a battlefield trip in 1976 (the Bicentennial), and by many other factors. A watershed for me was the PBS production of The Civil War, plus the fantastic writings of Shelby Foote, Bruce Catton, and many who have preceded me. In the last decade, the advent of vector mapping programs have allowed me to personally create maps to accompany and be tied to the text of this effort, to an extent that I have not seen elsewhere. I have used many sources, old and new, to convey to the reader the progress of the campaigns and battles therein. Of particular interest to me are the effects of climate and vegetation upon the course of the conflict, and how they affected the common soldier. I am aiming this second volume toward those who would like a single volume covering the war from November 1862 to April 1864, during which the war's character changed inexorably. Following are two more volumes, The Decisive Time and And It May Be Forever , where the story continues and concludes. Copies are still available for Volume I, Beginnings.
All that said, I present to you "All Hell: An American Civil War Military History, Volume II, Transitions"! Your comments and opinions, of course, are valued and expected!
Richard G. Newman

Today's American Civil War Image: A Changing Gallery To Highlight The Art Of War
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8 March 1862: "The Sinking Of The Cumberland" by James Gurney - The rebuilt ex-USS Merrimack, let loose in Hampton Roads as CSS Virginia, pounds USS Cumberland until she sank, before moving on to similarly sink USS Congress. Naval warfare would never be the same, and the next day Virginia would encounter the equally unconventional USS Monitor!
© James Gurney - All Rights Reserved